(Frankie) #1

Interviews – centred on certain aims – are structured sets of questions on a certain topic.
There are several question types: multiple answer questions, yes-no answer questions,
open questions.

A possible question typology:

  • warm-up questions or ice-breakers (that enhance dialogue): (self)introduction
    and/or information on the purpose of the meeting;

  • thematic: related to what the interview is about;

  • ideas / options / decisions: if you could make a decision, what would it be?

  • action-related: the intention to get involved in action.

Telephone, mail or e-mail investigation is just as valid as other procedures and presents
the advantage of being highly operative but the cooperation / response levels are lower.

Data collection includes opinions, interests, attitudes, data (e.g. on the social structure of
a habitat), etc. It is recommendable to use a questionnaire including the following items:

  • related to group-inclusion (age, occupation, position, etc.);

  • leading to the formulation of opinions, remark, wishes, etc. related to the
    investigation topic.

The activation poll asks questions to people involved in a certain matter. The purpose of
the poll is not necessarily data gathering, but assessment of the degree of involvement in
a process of changing and stimulating initiatives (Gugel, 2002).

Applicability of the method in counselling. In counselling practice social investigation
is often used to research the status quo in families with children; the investigation’s
outcome contributes to taking a differentiated approach to each situation. “The value of
investigation is different with pupils from a less favoured social environment, who need
compensations and corrections in the personality structuring process” (Gugiuman, 1978).

Social investigation is often completed by a practitioner with a test-based psychological
assessment (that will offer information on client’s personality traits) and questionnaires to
investigate aspirations, interests, motivation, and aptitude resources. This type of
investigation can offer relevant information on the system of personal values, as well as
the client’s decision-making capacity applied to a future career.

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