(Frankie) #1

Realistic Investigative

R = Realistic

I = Investigative

A = Artistic Conventional Artistic

S = Social

E = Enterprising

C = Conventional Enterprising Social

Degree of consistency Personality patterns

High RC, RI, IR, IA, AI, AS, SA, SE, ES, EC, CE, CR

Medium RE, RA, IC, IS, AR, AE, SI, SC, EA, ER, CS, CI

Low RS, IE, AC, SR, EI, CA

The same classification of complementary work environments and personality types can
also be represented like this:

Data / Information

Business Business

contacts (E) activities (C)

People Social services (S) Technical (R) Things

Artistic (A) Science (I)


A description of Holland personality types applied to work environment and typical client
behaviour is presented below.

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