(Frankie) #1

smaller groups, while a smaller group is easier to organize, the information is more easily
recorded, but there is a risk that it will yield less information.

The persons included in a focus group must be as close as possible from a social and
professional point of view so as to entertain open communication; age is also an
important factor, in the way that big age differences between the group members can
negatively influence on the communication inside the group.

Examples, case studies, exercises

Questions of general validity for the interview guide of a focus group aiming to discover
the strengths and weaknesses of a person:

  1. What would you change in yourself if you could? For what reason?

  2. What should you do to receive a high distinction (an award)? If you were to get
    an award, what should you get it for?

  3. What would you tell about yourself to a close friend or family member?

  4. What would have been the ideal hierarchy of your characteristics? (The question
    is asked after the group members have put together a hierarchy of that person’s

  5. Can you mention five of your positive features / aspects however insignificant?
    (The question is asked if participants are noticed to be making negative
    statements about themselves).

  6. If you had to advertise yourself, what would you lay stress upon?

  7. If you were the moderator, what would you ask yourself now?

Method evaluation


  • more information on a given subject can be generated;

  • respondents are given the opportunity to express in detail their feelings,
    opinions, and attitudes;

  • it shows what certain people really think about a certain issue;

  • it is an opportunity to express reactions on the spot;

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