(Frankie) #1

etc.) may greatly enhance the discussion progress. In addition, the setting itself adds to
the success of the method.

In-group discussions, various questions are asked corresponding to the contextual needs
of the group. We present a few such questions and a series of examples:

Nr. Question type Characteristics Examples
1 Frontal or overview)(general Addressed to the entire group What is the cause for...? Why...?

2 Direct Addressed to a certain participant What makes you support / reject ...?

3 Inversed (redirected) Addressed to the moderator by a participant and returned X: What happens if...? Y: What do you think...?

4 Channel and communication The answer is finalized by the others

X: Don’t you however feel that ...?
Y: X has raised an interesting question.
What do you think?

5 Come-back

The moderator takes up a
previously launched remark
that was ill-timed

X has previously said that .... How do
you think it can be influenced by ...?

6 Imperative Categorical and unconditioned request

Please give us your opinion in brief.
Analyse the following case ...
What are the differences?
7 Controversial Presupposes contradictory answers in key matters Is talent inherited or cultivated? Are genies born or trained?

Three main parts of the discussion are apparent (Zlate, 1982):

  • introduction to the debate – formulation of the issue underlining the
    theoretical and practical importance, including the difficulties;

  • the debate itself – whatever participants say;

  • result synthesis – systematisation of conclusions and arguments reached;
    underlining new contributions.

Below, w present in detail a series of group discussion types with their particularities.

Method presentation

a. Free discussion

Free discussion is an instrument for expressing opinions and feelings on other people,
situations, or events. Group members are reunited and asked to express frankly, openly
and detached whatever they feel and think, whatever displeases them or makes them

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