(Frankie) #1

Comparative empirical research between texts saturated with details and texts only
containing the main ideas (eliminating 40% of the initial contents) indicate that
information retention is the same and the duration of navigation is much less in the case
of succinct texts (Istrate, 2003). This aspect clearly denotes the effectiveness of
well-structured pages. Research on the way information on a page is read shows that in
European and American cultures eyes follow a Z-forms trajectory. The implication of this
leads to a recommendation that the most important information be placed at the beginning
and at the end of the page.

Method presentation

Career information can make use of several information technologies function of the
context and purpose. For sets of information of general interest, the most appropriate
modality is a web page. It has the advantage that once created and posted, the information
can be accessed at any time, from any place, without counsellor intervention. In
exchange, for specific information, a client may request help through e-mail or
synchronic communication channels (chat, telephone or video-conference).

Information and guidance through web pages

  1. Designing counselling web sites. An adequate design of a web site will determine its
    effectiveness both for self-information, and counsellor-assisted information. According to
    the aim the designer had in mind, web sites can have three different functions:

    • promoting traditional counselling services;

    • offering information possibilities by downloading simple text files;

    • furnishing resources and services that directly respond to requests, after the
      accurate identification of the target population and its potential needs.

When counsellors wish to integrate an information and guidance web site into their
service offer, it is recommended to follow these implementation steps: analysis of
counselling service, web site development, integrating the web site into the existing
service, staff training, use, and assessment (Sampson, 2001).

As regards the actual development of an information and guidance web site, the following
steps are taken: setting aims, identifying target groups, need analysis, design, realization,
assessment, obtaining a web address, launching, and updating.

Setting aims. A site can specialize in employment opportunities, education or training
institutions, or various other information types, or integrate all these types of information,
classifying them as such.

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