- In order to multiply the total desirability with the expectations in cell C13 we
introduce the formula “=PRODUCT(C11;C12)” automatically (according to
instructions under the first bullet) by pulling it into cell E13. - Expectations or possibility of fulfilment is obtained by dividing the hope
estimate percentage to 100 (e.g. 80% for human resource inspector and 50%
for project assistant).
Method evaluation
- attracting hesitant client to counselling services;
- permanently accessible from any internet connected place and with the
necessary equipment; - accessible to the physically challenged;
- easy and cheap access to and print of information;
- democratic nature, since anyone with basic computer knowledge has access;
- access to more information than traditionally, allowing more exploration
possibilities and a higher degree of comparison.
- uncertainty of the quality of web sites that were not recommended (some web
sites are completely anonymous or offer little data on the authors); - multitude of web sites: due to the possibility of web site creation with limited
resources their number has grown massively and several web sites overlap; - considerable costs of complex web design.
Bingham, C. William (1993). The Impact of Technology on Career Guidance. In: Bulletin
IAEVG / Educational and vocational guidance. 54, Berlin.