(Frankie) #1

metaphorical representation of the truly significant elements. In counselling, exploring
metaphors this way holds two advantages: first of all, several photographs offer a
comprehensive image of the client’s system of values; secondly, periodically taken
photographs over a longer period of time show how the client’s representations change
and they are a monitoring method of the counselling process. The longitudinal monitoring
of metaphors through photographs is suitable for career guidance projects of high school

Thus, metaphors as career counselling instruments are not limited to a stage in the
process, and are not used only to conceptualise the case or draw up the counselling plan,
but can be used creatively in each stage.


Adults have an occasionally pictorial image of their career: they describe, narrate, and
analyse it, trying to make sense of past events, present decisions and future plans. Each
person has their own “glasses” through which they look at careers. The “glasses” can
limit the capacity to see career in terms of alternatives, or on the contrary, can offer
various perspectives on it.

Adults in search of a new job frequently come to counselling when they have an
imagination blockage, an obtuse perspective (Amundson, 2005b). This is apparent in
confusion, low self-confidence, and a feeling of helplessness related to new possibilities
of career development. In this case, a counsellor’s task is to enlarge the perspectives and
open up new possibilities. Metaphors can engage both parties in a creative activity of
exploring new career development perspectives. Clients can be encouraged to think
creatively by means of metaphor, and this results in new attitudes and perspectives on
their careers.

Examples, case studies, exercises

Stimulating creativity in career approaches by means of metaphor

Metaphor use in career counselling allows a creative approach to career development. By
evaluating the process of metaphor creation, many career aspects can be investigated,
which allows the outlining of a complex and complete perspective. Diverse exercises may
facilitate / stimulate metaphor creation.

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