(Frankie) #1

Target population

By its nature, mass-media is addressed to all categories of potential beneficiaries of
counselling services, regardless of age, aspirations, social and professional status.

It is probably the most widespread method among practitioners and has the greatest
impact on the public.

People belonging to certain social and professional categories and the elderly might
encounter difficulties in accepting electronic sources of information.

Examples, case studies, exercises

The written press

We have selected a few publications specializing in career information, counselling and
guidance, employment, placement, etc. and that are issued weekly, monthly or bimonthly.
Most are financed by the state or international educational projects of the European

There are however publications specializing in the field and belonging to private
publishing houses, very professional and competitive. They evidently compete with the
daily press and although no less professional, make efforts to hold out financially, often
making recourse to sponsorship.

Adapting to the requirements of the market, some of these have opened their own
websites and can be accessed online.

Romanian periodicals: Careers (Cariere), Capital, Education Tribune (Tribuna
Învăţământului), Pedagogy Revue (Revista de pedagogie), A Future for Everyone (Un
viitor pentru fiecare), My Job, Jobs and work places (Profesii şi locuri de muncă), Work
Abroad (Munca în străinătate), Psychology Today (Psihologia azi), School Universe
(Universul şcolii), Exams (Examene), Economic Messenger (Mesagerul economic),
Economic Magazine (Revista economică), Financial Newspaper (Ziarul financiar),
Business magazin.

Local periodicals: Bulletins and counselling magazines of the Psycho-pedagogical
Assistance Centres (Bucharest, Botoşani, Dolj, Gorj, Deva, Mehedinţi, etc.) or of the
Employment Agencies.

The advertisement and promotional press also deals with information on jobs:
Advertisements (Anunţul publicitar), Advertisement from A to Z (Anunţul de la A la Z),

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