(Frankie) #1

Method evaluation


  • communicates and conveys information to large masses of clients, in actual
    or real time;

  • captures attention and conveys messages to a heterogeneous and
    geographically widespread audience;

  • promotes freedom of speech;

  • supervises the social environment, by critical problem analysis, having as
    effect information and protection / safety of citizens;

  • informs, with the effect of increasing individual and social knowledge;

  • signals and interprets public events;

  • promotes the values of the market economy (professional competences,
    respect for work), changes the mentality of the helped with that of personal

  • socialises (conveys norms, values, and civic attitudes);

  • brings up solidarity and responsibility;

  • relaxes, entertains, amuses, delights (in a word: offers entertainment as a
    consumption good);

  • generates culture, immortalizes events of historic importance;

  • sustains the economic development in general, and orients consumption;

  • educates, instructs, shapes concepts about the world, outlines attitudes,
    cultivates aptitudes, models behaviours, guides, results in professionalism,


It is now unanimously recognized that the excessive development of the media and
turning it into a consumption good for a super-industry / super-production induces
negative effects specific to a boom period followed by a decline:

  • non-stop broadcasting of audio / video channels generates fatigue, mental
    instability, anxiety, aggressiveness, dependency;

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