(Frankie) #1

  • information delivered to the audience is apparently free or at minimum costs,
    but the editing / publishing costs (for the written press) or the production
    costs (for the audio-visual) are ever higher due to technology development
    and competition.

For this reason, in order to “face big production expenses, many stations are affiliates of
larger networks, or of a central station and take over some of its programmes” (Coman,

  • taking over a certain subject from other news channels generates media
    mimicry and the snow-ball effect;

  • causes stereotypes in opinions and attitudes, simplifies judgement and
    reasoning, generates understanding errors among the public (sometimes panic
    / mass psychosis);

  • dictates wishes and mesmerizes through subliminal advertising;

  • the chase after sensational and shocking is conditional for news selection, and
    induces “a warped image of reality and antisocial behaviour: violence,
    racism, prejudice” (Stavre, 2004).


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Coman, M. (2003). Mass media in România post-comunistă. Bucureşti, Polirom.

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Dicţionar de sociologie (1993). L. Vlăsceanu; C. Zamfir (coord.). Bucureşti, Editura Babel.

Dicţionar enciclopedic ilustrat (1999). N. Gu ţanu (coord.). Chişin ău, Editura Cartier.

Dicţionarul Explicativ al Limbii Române (1984). Editura Academiei.

Educaţia informală şi mass-media (2005). Gh. Bunescu; E. Negreanu (coord.). Bucureşti,
Cartea Universitară.

Gheorghe, Gh. (2005). Efectele televiziunii asupra minţii umane. Bucureşti. Editura
Evanghelismos. Fundaţia Tradiţia Româneasc ă.

Jigău, M. (2001). Consilierea carierei. Bucureşti, Editura Sigma.

Joiţa, E. (2000). Management educaţional. Bucureşti, Editura Polirom.

Legendre, R. (1996). Dictionnaire actuel de l’education. (2e edition). Paris, ESKA & Guerin.

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