(Frankie) #1

Problem Solving

Domnica PETROVAI, Bogdana BURSUC
„Expert” Center
Center for Psychological Consultancy and Vocational Guidance,
University Babeş-Bolyai of Cluj-Napoca


The development of problem solving as a counselling method is based on research carried
on clinical and non-clinical population and a series of theoretical models (Nezu; Nezu,
1989; O’Donohue; Krasner, 1995, apud Mueser, 1998). The Stress – Vulnerability –
Coping Abilities Model (Zubin; Sping, 1977, apud idem) and The Model of Social Skills
(Bellack; Mueser; Gingerich; Agresta, 1997, apud idem) support the use of problem
solving as a skill development method, which ensures adaptation and attainment of
personal goals.

Before 1970, adaptative functioning skills such as social and emotional were
conceptualised in strictly behavioural terms: eye contact, tone of voice, and contents of
communication. At the end of the 1980s, research evinced the role of cognitive skills in
adaptive psycho-social functioning and in implementation of adaptive behaviours
(O’Donohue; Krasner, 1995, apud idem). For example, implementing adequate social
behaviours is conditioned by the presence of cognitive abilities such as:

  • perception of relevant social parameters: the public or private character of
    the social situation, the emotional response of other people;

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