(Frankie) #1

Kuder Occupational Interest Survey


Mihai JIG ĂU
Institute of Educational Sciences, Bucharest


Frederic Kuder (1903-2000) launched the Kuder Preference Records (KPR) in the 1940s
on the market of counselling instruments; ever since over 100 million people in exploring
career development directions have used this instrument.

A first revision of the Inventory took place in 1943 – Kuder Preference Records,
followed by the Kuder General Interest Survey, Form E (KGIS), Kuder Occupational
Interest Survey, Form DD (KOIS) and the most recent – Kuder Career Search with
Person Match.

Theoretical background

Kuder’s working hypothesis in compiling his surveys springs from the observation that
each individual gradually develops certain patterns of specific occupational preferences
and behaviour, compatible with certain professions or jobs. Clients’ answers to the survey
are confronted with reference answers, allowing on the one hand by comparison the
validation of the new profile obtained, and on the other hand the formulation of the
hypothesis that clients with the same profiles as that of persons already employed who
have been successful in a position will “match” with the same occupations.

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