(Frankie) #1


  • inefficient if isolated, as secondary prevention or intervention. Recommended
    in combination with other techniques in alleviating disorders (e.g. stress
    inoculation technique, relaxation, cognitive restructuring for anger
    management intervention, cognitive techniques for intervention in
    depression, exposure technique, progressive desensitivisation for intervention
    in anxiety).


Beck, A. (1976). Cognitive Therapy and the Emotional Disorders. New York,
International Universities Press.

Bellack; Mueser; Gingerich; Agresta (1997). Social Skills Training for Schizophrenia: a
step by step guide. New York, Guildford Press (apud Mueser, 1998).

Brown-Chidsey, R. (2005). Assessment for Intervention: A Problem-Solving Approach,
New York. Guilford Publications.

Clinical Decision Making in Behavior Therapy: A Problem Solving Perspective (1989).
Nezu; Nezu (Eds.). Champaign, IL: Research Press.

D’Zurilla; Goldfried (1971). Problem Solving and Behavior Modification. In: Journal of
Abnormal Psychology. 78, p. 108-126 (apud Mueser, 1998).

Davis; Bucher (1985). Sharing Psychological Skills. In: British Journal of Medical
Psychology. 58, p. 207-216 (apud Mueser, 1998).

Elliot, D. (1999). Blueprints for violence prevention, book nine: Bullying Prevention
Program. Boulder, University of Colorado at Boulder, Institute of Behavioral
Science, Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence.

Greenberg, M. T. (2001). The Prevention of Mental Disorders in School-Aged Children:
Current State of the Field. In: Prevention and Treatment. Volume 4, Article 1.

Handbook of Psychological Skill Training: Clinical Techniques and Applications (1995).
O’Donohue; Krasner (Eds.). Boston, Allyn & Bacon (apud Mueser, 1998).

Hay, I. et all. (2000). Evaluation of a conflict-resolution and problem-solving programme
to enhance adolescents self-concept. In: British Journal of Guidance and
Counselling. 28, 1.

Liberman and all. (1989). Social Skills Training for Psychiatric Patients. Needham
Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon Publications (apud Mueser, 1998).

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