(Frankie) #1

In case of the curriculum for high school (secondary education) we notice the following

  • General competences (structured ensembles of knowledge and skills that are
    developed throughout high school).

  • Values and attitudes (developed throughout schooling).

  • Specific competences (derived from general and to be developed and related
    to the content units for each year of study).

  • Contents (elaborated in accordance with the needs and specificity of
    individual pupils and the class, and including topics through which specific
    competences are developed).

  • Methodological suggestions (global and flexible recommendations regarding
    methods and techniques specific for each year of study).

The curriculum for the 9 th and 10 th grade incorporates and respects the provisions of
extending the compulsory education in Romania to 10 years, and the separate status of
these two years of study that belong at the same time to compulsory education and high
school or vocational education. In addition, the Counselling and guidance curriculum for
the 11th and 12 th grade takes into consideration the status of these grades as part of the
post-compulsory education, and as transition towards university or social and professional

The curriculum for vocational information and counselling for the 9th and 10 th grade in
vocational school respects the changes in the pre-university education: on the one hand
the extending of compulsory education to 10 years, and on the other the particular status
of the 9th and 10th grade in vocational schools, on the graduation of which pupils may opt
for further vocational school years (levels 2 and 3) or high school education. These
conditions offer common and specific elements of vocational school as opposed to high
school and technological school.

The structure of the curriculum for vocational school 9 th and 10 th grades, for vocational
guidance and counselling 11 th grade in vocational school (completion year) and for 11 th
and 12th grade in technological high school, includes the same elements:

  • “competence unit: a coherent and explicit set of competences describing the
    things pupils must know, understand, or be capable of doing at the end of the
    educational and vocational training, level 1;

  • individual competences: subcomponents of competence units materialized
    in measurable results at the personal level. Individual competences respect
    the established applicability conditions and are developed through specific
    thematic contents;

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