(Frankie) #1

Topics approached: self-knowledge, conflict solving, personal responsibility, career
exploration and awareness, decision-making abilities, substance abuse prevention,
learning skills, job hunting.

Michigan School Counsellor Association suggests that the time allotted to activities in the
Counselling and guidance curricula be distributed as such:

  • in primary school: 30-40%;

  • in lower secondary school: 20-30%;

  • in upper secondary school: 15-25%.

Target population

  • pupils in primary, secondary, high school, vocational school;

  • young graduates of various levels of education and training who are in search
    of a job;

  • adults in process of professional re-conversion (for whom the educational
    approach is materialized in stimulation and motivation to take short- and
    long-term training), re-entering active life, etc.

Examples, case studies, exercises

In Appendix 1 we enumerate the succession of learning sequences for the
Communication and social skills module, for different levels and grades, in the curricular
area Counselling and guidance implemented in Romania, 2005.

In Appendix 2 we present a series of topics and results of learning (primary and lower
secondary school), from a comprehensive Counselling and guidance programme in
Michigan schools, SUA (1992).

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