(Frankie) #1

B. Fundamental study

and learning abilities
C. How to learn about

school from friends and others
D. Study planning


At the end of the learning unit, pupils will be ab

le to:

Organize their time

Listen and ask questions in class

Use their potential to the maximum in problem solving

At the end of the learning unit, pupils will be ab

le to:

Understand challenges, requirements in subsequent stages of schooling

Know where the can ask for information on other secondary and high schools

At the end of the learning unit, pupils will be ab

le to:

Understand the requirements and expectations in the next school cycles

Choose optional subject matters according to their interests and aptitudes

Be aware that all subject matters are important at work and in daily life

Know what jobs are available locally

At the end of the learning unit, pupils will be ab

le to:

Organize their time

Listen and ask questions in class

Use their potential to the maximum in problem solving

At the end of the learning unit, pupils will be ab

le to:

Understand challenges, requirements in the next stages of schooling

Know where they can request information on high schools

At the end of the learning unit, pupils will be ab

le to:

Obtain information on the credit system and high school graduation requirements

Select courses according to their needs, interests,
and career goals

Be aware that high school graduation prepares them for work or further study
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