(Frankie) #1

In psychology, Freud states that imaginary characters are a construction of the child’s
wishes of finding solutions to the conflicts overbearing with him or her, while Şchiopu
(1997) considers the simulation game a “fundamental form of activity with the same
importance as learning and work activities.”

In sociology, Mead and Kuli have researched small traditional cultures and primary social
groups and have proposed three stages of socialization, seen as role perception processes:

 imitation – mechanical repetition of the activities observed;
 game – passing from one role to the next, moving away from the role already
 group member – perceiving one’s own role, when the formula “I” becomes
operational as appreciation mechanism by the group of the social role played
by a member.

Lallement (1993) understands the simulation game as a role assimilation mechanism, in
the sense of expected behaviour (“How would I like others to see me ?”).

In pedagogy, the simulation game is, according to Bruner, a means of activation. Thus,
pupils find themselves in the position of actors, protagonists and not just simple
spectators, which corresponds very well to the dynamics of their thinking, imagination,
and affective life, to an inner need of action and affirmation. They feel the need to
establish a relation between abstract thinking and concrete gestures, and this is precisely
why they decide on role-play.

What is simulation in the context of Real Game?

  • It is a copy of reality where players face certain situations requiring decision

  • It is a learning model allowing clients to express ideas for other group
    members, made usually of three or four people;

  • It is related to Role-Play, but in simulation human subjects keep their own
    personality and are not required to play another character.

The realism can be enhanced especially in long-term simulations, by orienting the group
so as to reproduce the majority of the conditions of the environment where the exercise is
supposed to be taking place. For example, for an action located in an office, the
classroom may be adapted to represent a real office. Other educational resources that may
be used to create a space compatible with a classroom activity during a counselling
session are: the blackboard may be adapted to suggest an announcement board, the desks
may be grouped or separated to be cubicles, etc.

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