(Frankie) #1

  1. Learning is permanent – on graduating from high school, college,
    university, learning is not over. People must admit and consider the
    advantages of existing lifelong learning opportunities.

  2. Focusing on the path of life – “the journey” through life is like driving:
    there must be a destination, progress is gradual, attention must be paid to
    unpredictable events, obstacles, alternatives, etc.

  3. Following aspirations and interests – aspirations, dreams allow
    understanding of what people truly want. Dreams may be difficult to pursue,
    but this should not hinder anyone from trying.

  4. Supporting people around one – “the journey of life” is not made by
    oneself; friends, family, teachers, neighbours – anyone of them may be
    willing and capable allies in certain stages of career development.

These principles help clients reflect systematically on the relevance of each activity
segment related to the larger picture of life.

The methodology of the game

Clients are asked to present their own experiences, qualifications, or competences
acquired in school. For Counselling and guidance classes, during the game, the concept
of career is understood as “journey”.

“Journey” means going through stages by key messages to simulate the path to the
desired career. “The journey” is made of 13 sessions that in turn include segments of
activity and discussion. These sessions represent landmarks for the way the teacher
counsellor can lead the game.

Lesson 1 – Real transition

The counsellor will briefly present the game to the class (objectives, tasks, etc.).

Lesson 2 – Real jobs

Pupils will be given descriptions of certain occupations / jobs / professions, and they will
learn how to use occupational profiles throughout the game (and will be able to make the
difference, for example, between professions according to the lifestyle associated).

Lesson 3 – Real openings

Pupils will hear the five important principles of the game (change is constant, learning is
permanent, etc.), and then they will form working groups and learn about career openings
(admission terms to various study levels and opportunities, candidate selection criteria,
practical education and training, etc.).

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