(Frankie) #1

Lesson 4 – Real role

Pupils will be told that they must choose a desired profession associated to a certain
career for the future (doctor, engineer, pilot, teacher, watchmaker, dental technician, etc.).
In addition, they will choose the appropriate educational path for the career they have
chosen. The chosen profession and career will be maintained throughout the game to
ensure continuity.

Lesson 5 – Spin game

Pupils will be presented the components of the spin game ; it is made up of a game board
and spinning indicator. On the board are written the following fields / school subjects:
“General Knowledge, Mathematics, Language and Creative Arts, Social Studies,
Sciences, Health and Sports”. The questions vary with the subject matter and age.

Lesson 6 – Transition to spin game – I

Pupils practice for the first time on the board by spinning the indicator that will stop – on
command –at a certain situation (see Exercise 1, below); then they take on their role in
attempting to simulate the profession indicated on the board. The stake is solving the
respective problems through simulation.

Lesson 7 – Time and transition – I

Pupils analyse the profession / situation chosen – as it has been mentioned above – the
necessary level of education / qualification, personal experience, work conditions, the
role played by parents and the community (business people, NGOs, etc.) in that
profession. They will draw up a graph of the time necessary to attain the profession, in
view of a concrete temporal connection between the present and future situation.

Lesson 8 – Transition to spin game – II

Pupils re-start the spinning indicator on the game board and choose those situations that
are in accordance with their studies (between 3rd and 12 th grade). They will discuss and
simulate the situations on the basis of experience accumulated in school. In addition, they
will study various career development options (professional paths, consequences,
advantages, limits, important personal attitudes and values etc.).

Lesson 9 – Time and transition – II

Pupils continue the analysis of education and training effects on their future career, as
well as of the community on their vocational development (e.g. community actions in
situations of crisis, social help, etc.). It is thus sought to make a synthesis and discuss the
experiences acquired throughout schooling. The basic rules and the necessary skills for an
interview are established.

Lesson 10 – Preparing for the interview

Pupils are divided in groups and create separate scenarios to inform and guide themselves
regarding the essential competences acquired through life experience in relation to the
subject mentioned. They will participate in simulated interviews, which will help them

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