(Frankie) #1

Elements to consider

A) Are the clients sufficiently relaxed to handle the demands of the simulation

If some clients do not feel comfortable with the game, the simulation should allow them
to retire and their role be taken over by a more relaxed colleague in the group. The
counsellor must have a rather neutral role, to encourage pupils to be active and show

B) Should group composition be based on the different skills of their members,
or should they have common interests?

Since counsellors know their clients best, they must be the ones to decide in what way
can maximum of benefit be drawn for the largest number of participants. If they consider
that less advanced players would benefit from the help of their more advanced colleagues,
it is preferable to opt for mixed skills groups. In other words, counsellors should base
their decision of making up the groups on client knowledge and aptitudes. Susceptibility
must be considered in forming the groups, so that the clients do not perceive the existence
of “good” or “poor” groups.

C) The role of the counsellor

Counsellors may consider, among other things, a diagnostic / assessment exercise by
observing clients’ behaviours, feelings, emotions, neuro-physiological aspects, hesitations
with regard to a given situation.

Target population

Real Game targets pupils from the 3 rd until the 12 th grade, and adults (in total there are 6
categories of programmes):

  • 3 rd and 4 th (fun)

  • 5 th and 6th (creating, doing)

  • 7 th and 8th (playing)

  • 9 th and 10th (being)

  • 11 th and 12 th (finding a job)

  • adults (real life)

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