(Frankie) #1

The correct answer is librarian. The connection between the school subjects and the
world of work will be explained.

Exercise 2

According to the level of the class and/or groups, the exercise may be extended to six
meetings, with correspondingly complex activities.

Session 1: The counsellor explains the class that due to the lack of doctors in Africa, the
Romanian professionals have the chance of working there. There are few positions
available and the money is not enough. In principle, pupils must decide on 10 people who
will have the opportunity of initiating this new community and survive in the given

It is told that each group has to:

  • coordinate the selection of medical staff;

  • prepare the ground at destination for the first few weeks;

  • lay the grounds of a new society of viable medical assistance.

The counsellor will announce that starting with the respective stage of the game he or she
will no longer participate directly in the simulation.

Session 2: Clients are asked to decide within the group what categories of specialists are
necessary and in what fields. The groups will also have to choose their spokespersons.
The president decides on how the group will work during the next few sessions, but the
opinions in the respective groups must be taken into account.

Session 3 (or sessions 3 and 4, for a more detailed discussion): Groups begin their activity
by “selecting” the necessary medical staff in the new location abroad. The secretary
writes down the aspects of procedure. The group decides on how the journey will take
place to the new work destination.

Session 4 (or sessions 4 and 5): The groups discuss the way activities will take place in
the first few weeks in a new country, and debate on what is needed so that the respective
community resists for a long time.

Session 5 (or session 6): Spokes persons for each group present the conclusions reached
and the reasons behind the respective decisions. For instance, group X has decided that no
person over 50 is eligible for the journey and work under the circumstances. The group
can interrogate the spokespersons about the choices and decisions made; if necessary, the
specialists themselves (doctors) may take part in the final discussion on behalf of the
support of group spokespersons. Should there be time, the decisions of each group could
be posted for the entire class to read.

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