(Frankie) #1

Method evaluation

Overview of the programme utility

It has been found by a questionnaire to Canadian pupils on Real Game that the
programme offers information on and makes them aware of:

Indicators Percent (%)
Their own future and self-image 100
World of work / professions 97
Communication 95
Work satisfaction 95
Financial planning 92
Self-awareness 92
Teamwork 90
Career planning 89
Posture 89
Personal involvement capacity 86
Equity and employment opportunities 82
Lifelong learning 82
“Learning to learn” in a changing world 78
Career information 72


Aside from the specific cognitive aspects of certain activities, such a programme
contributes to achievement in pupils and adults of some aspects related to attitudes,
values, motivation. Thus:

  1. From the point of view of clients (pupils or adults), Real Game allows:
     discovery of their own skills, abilities, attitudes;
     positive strengthening of self-image;
     establishing a direct relation between the knowledge acquired in school,
    vocational choices, and the roles characteristic in the world of work;
     using new vocabulary and new communication structures;
     making one’s own decisions freely;
     solving tasks individually or in group;
     grounding choices and decisions in experience.

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