- From the point of view of counsellors, Real Game allows:
ensuring the relevance of the situations presented, and stimulating the
clients’ interests by evincing the practical aspects of school activities;
forming working groups by the interests of the members;
organizing an intermediary training to develop career-specific capacities
and attitudes;
focusing on ideas, motivations, continuing information and training etc.,
for career development and adaptation to the requirements of the labour
market at the earliest age;
combining interactive work strategies: brainstorming, debate, problem
posing, role-play, critical thinking, exercises, etc., without diminishing
the importance of other traditional methods such as: explanations,
demonstration, theoretical exposition, conversation, observation;
monitoring the use of concepts in group and by the pupils;
remedying flaws as the programme runs.
- As regards school curriculum, Real Game allows:
adapting the curriculum (designed after the local requirements) to the
interests and needs of the beneficiaries;
introducing other additional methods alongside those included in the
teaching framework, in order to deliver the contents and develop the
competences during classes of Counselling and guidance;
monitoring and assessing the programme, which can lead to evincing
other types of benefits related to an increased level of confidence on the
part of the clients in a field that is very little known, enriching the
vocabulary, interiorising concepts, attitudes and values.
- As regards the community and business people, Real Game allows:
an increase in objectivity by describing the competences in terms of
noticeable results that can be assessed on the market;
offering consultation and counselling for the labour market to enhance a
more direct knowledge of the following aspects: the labour market in
general, policies in the field of employment, human resource needs, the
economic system, etc.;
creating opportunities of information and training by means of activities
performed during the Counselling and guidance class, as well as opening
motivating perspectives for the actors involved;
making people sensitive and aware by conveying useful information to
clients with a view to lifelong education and training.