(Frankie) #1


  • using the programme involves certain material and financial resources
    (purchasing the right to use, translate, adapt, print);

  • requires adequate and detailed training of counsellors and instructing clients
    in the use of the technique for the exact knowledge of what is expected of
    them in certain stages of the programme;

  • there is a risk that less motivated or timid clients withdraw as the programme

  • counsellors may feel inefficient and/or excluded from sessions they do not
    take part in.


Aria curriculară Consiliere şi orientare (2005). Bucureşti, CNC, Editura AFIR.

Cerghit, Ion (1997). Metode de înv ăţământ. Bucureşti, EDP.

Lallement, M. (1993). Istoria ideilor sociologice. De la origini până la Weber. (vol. I).
Oradea, Editura ANTET.

Programa şcolară pentru Consiliere şi orientare – clasa a XI-a – a XII-a (2005).
Bucureşti, CNC.

Dicţionar de psihologie (1997). Şchiopu, Ursula (coord.). Bucureşti, Editura, Babel. (Barry, B. Real Game Canada) (Online demonstration^14 )

(^14) I would like to thank Mr Phil Jarvis, Vice-President of Partnership Development, National Life/Work
Center (Canada), for the support provided in gathering information on the method.

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