(Frankie) #1

in school, etc. or within the fields, psycho-behavioural: motivation – cognition – aptitudes

  • action.

Aspects giving uniqueness to the human subject will also be highlighted in student
record: progress or failures, needs, interests, availabilities, temperament, emotions,
attitudes, personality, intellectual aptitudes, passion, general level of performance,
specific academic acquisitions, current situation, preferred situation, etc.

Each pupil is different, autonomous, unique, which leads to the conclusion that student
record is a kind of “identity card”, special for everyone.

In some countries, school counsellors teamed with the school principal fill out student
records. It includes academic acquisitions, special education needs, general and particular
personality features, such as: relationship with colleagues, teachers, psycho-social
maturity, self-discipline, energy, self-confidence, sense of humour, perseverance,
leadership, resistance to stress, personal qualities and special talents, etc.

Due to the fact that compulsory education in Romania recently has extended to 10 years,
involvement of school counsellors in the assessment of pupils ought to be of very fine
quality. The Department of Educational and Vocational Guidance (2001) in the Institute
of Educational Sciences – Romania considers that student record or psycho-pedagogical
record (regularly updated and with an annual synthesis) is an integral part of the
assessment, counselling and guidance portfolio that accompanies the student in the
transition from the 8th into the 9 th grade, to high school or vocational schools.

It is important to say that student record is no longer compulsory in the current
educational system, but where available, is a valuable support to getting complex
knowledge about the pupils and to information management, with a view to making
responsible and justified career-related decisions.

What is efficient psycho-pedagogical knowledge?

A good Student Record is filled out after an organized, systematic and permanent process
of psycho-pedagogical observation and intervention, collecting data regarding the mental
characteristics of the subject. For an objective and efficient psycho-pedagogical
knowledge it is necessary to ensure the scientific parameters of the process (Ezechil;
Lăzărescu P ăişi, 2002). This is possible by:

  • specialized instruction of teachers and teacher counsellors;

  • using multiple means of knowledge (standardized tests and questionnaires,
    school records, etc.);

  • observing behaviour and attitude, studying the subject’s personality in varied
    situations and places: during classes, breaks, extra-curricular activities, at
    home, etc.;

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