(Frankie) #1

  • gathering information from parents or legal guardians regarding certain
    psycho-pedagogical aspects of the subject;

  • identifying individual and social factors of a proper bio-psycho-social
    development, success in learning, adaptation in school etc.;

  • working with specialists in psycho-pedagogical assistance authorized in
    applying tests and questionnaires.

Target population

Student record can be filled out for preschoolers, pupils, students, young graduates, with
the aid of: school counsellors, teachers, school doctors. Information is gathered from the
subject himself/herself, parents, relatives, neighbours, community agents, social workers,
circle of friends, classmates, teachers, school managers and administrative staff
(laboratory workers, school secretary) with whom the subject comes in contact.

Educational institutions (kindergartens, graduate schools, vocational schools, high
schools, colleges, universities, other public and private education and training providers)
have developed their own records as personalized as possible, without being oblivious of
the essential elements, common for most student records: personal details, social and
economic context of the family, mental and physical characteristics, situation in school,

Examples, case studies, exercises

Personalized model of a student record (a real case)

Personal data: Name: I. First Name: M-A; Personal Identification Number.: 1900306XXXXXX;
Date of birth: 6 March 1990, Sibiu; Address: XX XXXXX Street, Sibiu.

At present a pupil in the 7th grade in the General School No. XX, Sibiu. Grades 1st to 4th at the
same school.

Family: Origin: marriage.

Father: Name: I. First Name: M.; Age: 44, Sibiu. Education: 12 grades; currently plumber.

Mother: Name: I. First Name: D.; Age: 40, Sibiu. Education: 12 grades; currently takes training in

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