(Frankie) #1

Thinking: quality of the fundamental operations: analysis-synthesis – abstractization –
generalization – comparison - illustration; quality of the instrumental operations: algorithmic-
heuristic, quality of acquiring and capitalizing on the fundamental informational products:
notions, judgements, reasoning, principles, laws, paradigms; quality of the informational –
operational structures engaged: inductive-deductive-analogical reasoning; convergent-

General intelligence, confirmed by: the capacity to seize and solve problems and problematic

Verbal intelligence, confirmed by the qualities of oral and written language expressed in the
following indicators:

quick understanding of the meaning of words, sentences, phrases of a scientific,
artistic, philosophic, technological nature:
fluency in speech, in demanding and complex situations:

Temperament personality features / expressed at the level of the dynamic-energetic base:
introvert-extrovert-combined; stable-unstable-combined; sanguine – choleric – phlegmatic -

Aptitude-related personality features / expressed at the level of efficiency in activity, in terms
of process and product: general aptitudes / applicable in all fields, all school disciplines;
special aptitudes / for certain fields, subject matters, etc.:

Personality features / expressed at the level of relationship with the world and the self:

attitude towards family, school, community, learning, productive work, creation, the
self / tendencies to under-over-appreciate oneself, balanced self-appreciation:
voluntary directing of conduct (at school, at home, in the community, in society,
functional structure of personality / cognitive, emotional – motivational, volitional
educational, professional and social guidance expressed at the end of the educational
cycle through:
final psychological characterization seen as recommendation for the future or/and
social activity (laying stress on positive features):
finalizing the decision regarding educational, professional and social guidance on
the basis of correlation between: the options of pupil and his or her family
(expressed every year) – motivation for certain subject matters and work sectors,
the results obtained throughout the year, in and outside the school,
recommendations of the class master, other teachers and “actors” in pupil’s
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