(Frankie) #1

  • has evolved together with the great historical periods and can be today
    classified according to the temporal criterion (transversal / longitudinal or
    past, present, future), according to value (quantitative / qualitative),
    thematically (artistic, military, economic, political, demographic, educational,
    cultural, meteorological, etc.);

  • appears as a method, technique, instrument, study, “weapon”, strategy,
    operation, text, process, plan (conscious or subconscious), project,
    simulation, problem, solution, etc., depending on where is used;

  • occupies an ever larger area in many prediction sciences, having become
    indispensable in futurology;

  • in the educational process (as didactic scenario) it has certainly become a
    “strategic” element to guide human resources;

  • in career counselling, it can be put to use in multiple ways, creatively
    adapting all its forms.

Method presentation

Clients seek counselling regarding the most varied problems of life, and hope to find
plausible solutions to their problems.

This is why practitioners must “recompose” for their clients their particular situation,
segment by segment, scene by scene, in order to help them play their part and discover
solution alternatives for their situation. This is the end of simulation in any field, not just
counselling. Whether this is done by dramatic means, games or on simulators (technical
systems that are authentic or electronic), the simulation needs a previously devised
scenario, usually written.

Simulative scenarios reproduce or imitate action / the real model with a view to learning,
by respecting its functional and structural principles. Clients as actors cross the
experience of their own role, explore variants, discover solutions by deduction, enter
relationships, make decisions and solve conflicts. A model of simulative scenario would
be for an occupational application, namely a trial for law students (see the article:
Simulation ).

Life scenario is a key concept in transactional analysis, defined as “an explanatory theory
of personality and a psychotherapeutic system dedicated to personal growth and change”

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