(Frankie) #1

Appendix 1

Occupational Interest Survey – Kuder *
Form C
This questions booklet aims to explore your interests / preferences regarding your future
profession. There are no right or wrong answers. An answer is right if it is true for you.
On each page of the booklet you will find a list of possible options, grouped by threes. First
read each triplet, decide which situation interests you the MOST and mark it by
colouring the rectangle on the answer sheet in the column marked with M (most). Then
identify the one which interests you the LEAST and, in a similar fashion, colour the
rectangle in the column marked with L (least). Notice that one situation of the three will
always remain unmarked on the answer sheet.
In the Example 1, the subject marked (by colouring the corresponding rectangle) that in the
first group of activities he/she would like visiting a museum the MOST and reading
books in a library the LEAST.
In the Example 2 the same subject indicated liking collecting autographs the MOST and
collecting butterflies the LEAST.
Example 1
N. Visiting a modern art gallery. N
P. Reading books in a library. P
Q. Visiting a museum. Q
Example 2
a. Collecting autographs. a
b. Collecting coins. b
c. Collecting butterflies. c
Imagine that you would be able to accomplish all activities suggested, even the ones
requiring special training. Choose as if all actions were equally familiar to you. Do not
make choices based on the novelty of the situation for you or because the others show a
preference in it.
In case you like or dislike all three activities, try nevertheless to differentiate them, making
the two required choices. It is important to answer all questions. For each group of three, it
is essential to select the one “liked MOST" , and “liked LEAST", respectively.
Do not waste to much time on your decision. Make the decision on your own. If an
answer does not represent your own option, it will not be able to contribute to giving a
real image of your interests.
If you wish to change an answer, cross it out with an X , then tick the new answer.
Do not make any annotations on the brochure, except for the last page, which is the answer

  • Instructions translated for this presentation.

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