(Frankie) #1

1-2 A recompense for the work done and an
adequate living standard


Final attempt 1 17. What can you offer to our firm?
1-2 Professionalism and loyalty. Confidentiality
Climax 1 18. Do you wish to continually improve in the
1-2 Yes, I try to keep in touch with updates in
legislation. I have started with some
international law, since I worked for foreign
clients doing business in Romania


Conclusion 1 19. What are your expectations relative to the
1-2 For the time being I wish to advance in my
career and start a family

Wish to put one
Resolution 1 20. Is there anything in particular you would
like to know about the position you are applying
for or the firm?
1-2 Yes, I would like to know if you offer specialized
training programmes for your employees. I am
interested in specialization in international
environmental legislation


The hope of a
new beginning

1 We do have such courses. We are glad to hear of
your wishes, since last year we had few
applicants although the field holds perspective

Method evaluation

“A well directed movie with a good script is a guaranteed success” is a motto in the world
of cinema that military strategy could transform by stating that “a war fought according to
an accurate script is strategically half won”. As strategic plan of battle, scenario is considered
“the winner’s secret weapon” – Alexander Macedon, “une vision de maréchal” – Napoleon, or
“the pearl in the actor’s crown” – Lawrence Olivier (

Indeed, scenario stands on top of the list of instruments used by older and more recent
strategic arts and sciences with an ambition to foresee the future.

Through its role, the scenario technique is part of complex methods, “weighty” for
strategy and prognosis. In the process of applying it, scenario is preceded by the need
analysis (SWOT, PEST), followed by scenic and strategic-operational manifestations
(simulation, drama, role-play, etc.).

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