(Frankie) #1

The connection between these three categories of methods is indestructible and
reciprocally conditioned. The cause-effect chain in the triad is maintained in their
assessment as well, the advantages / disadvantages passed from one to the other.


  • prevents failure, reduces risks and random future events;

  • offers an overall (bird’s eye) view of events, directing towards the solution of
    the client’s problem;

  • anticipates vocational success by practicing occupational roles;

  • develops creative imagination, and analysis and synthesis capacity;

  • practices the mechanisms of heuristic and strategic thinking;

  • develops intuition, decision making, prediction, and conflict solving;

  • cultivates artistic aptitudes, emotional balance, and self-discipline;

  • socializes, corrects behavioural disorders and emotional tensions;

  • develops managerial capacities, and spatial and temporal orientation;

  • helps counsellors estimate in a realistic manner the client’s chances or
    vulnerable points.


  • requires long documentation and elaboration;

  • plays on previous experience and managerial capacities of the counsellor;

  • amplifies stress and fear of failure by its anticipatory nature, especially in
    case of nervous clients;

  • asks for specialized psycho-therapeutical assistance in severe cases of
    compulsive negative liberation triggered by the role-play.


American Society of Training and Development. Quick response beats long-term
planning (1990). In: Training and Development Journal. 44 (10), p. 9-10.

Cazacu, A. (2003) Didactica filosofiei. Bucureşti, Editura Fundaţiei ROMÂNIA DE MÂINE.

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