(Frankie) #1

  • call for action, movement;

  • experiencing the therapeutic experience in the present, “here and now”.

The techniques used in psychodrama are:

  • role reversal;

  • therapeutic soliloquy;

  • role-play;

  • spontaneous improvisation.

If in psychodrama the human subjects play their own role, their own existential
experience (unburdening emotions, tensions, becoming aware of behaviours), in role-play
the involvement of the “actor” targets understanding and learning new social roles,
becoming aware of the difficulties in new relationships, practicing spontaneity and social
adaptability. Moreno used role-play as an experimental method, for diagnosis,
quantitative and qualitative assessment of behaviours and as a therapeutic method to
improve the relationships and increase the adaptability to social life.

Zlate (1982) approach role-play as “group activation method”, and includes it, alongside
case studies and training or practicum groups, into the category of group problem analysis
stimulation methods. Role-play is a psychological or psychosocial training method for the
members of a group, with applications in various fields: education, industry, commerce,
law, medicine, organizational and enterprise management, ecclesiastic professions. For
example, in commerce it can be used in order to develop the ability of sales people to
improve customer relations, or in education to socialize pupils, group integration,
developing positive behaviours or moral qualities. Holdevici (1998) mentions an
educational significance of role-play in psychotherapy, used to facilitate
self-understanding, develop certain abilities, analyse or prove behaviour functioning. The
author identifies a series of functions of drama play in psychotherapy: psycho-diagnostic
method, allowing for obtaining information on the nature or severity of the client’s
problem; instruction method, enhancing the learning of how to approach certain
situations; training , supporting insights regarding the self, knowledge / control of
feelings, developing certain abilities to cope with life problems.

Method presentation

Role-play is a method of simulating reality through play, without consequences in reality,
offering the “players” the possibility to play certain parts or practice certain behaviours
and/or abilities. The method presupposes establishing interpersonal relationships of
reciprocity, adaptation to the behaviours of role-play partners in order to attain the goals
set, developing empathy by understanding other people, sometimes by putting oneself in
“their shoes”.

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