Target population
In career counselling, role-play will be adapted to the needs of the beneficiaries:
- pupils will become acquainted with the specificity of professions by playing
certain professional parts in order to discover the reality of the adult world in
a fun and simulative learning context; it can be associated with group
discussions, informative leaflets, video tapes or occupational profiles, etc.; - in adult counselling, role-play can be used in: practicing interviews,
negotiating a salary, finding a job, balancing family budget; - in counsellor training, role-play helps practicing behaviours, developing
communication skills, stimulating counselling situations.
Examples, case studies, exercises
Pupil counselling:
- Role-play with the topic school options of 8 th grade pupils.
- reuniting class board at the end of the first semester of the 8th grade with a
view to discussing educational / professional options and give
recommendations or make additional proposals; - the characters proposed are: school counsellor (1), class teachers (10), parent
representatives (2), pupil representatives (2), observers; - cards will be handed out with information on: the school situation of the
pupil (for all participants), a chart with the pupil’s options (for the class
master), counselling / guidance chart (for the counsellor), information chart
on family (for parent representatives), a chart with the pupil’s
characterization made by colleagues (for pupils’ representatives), observation
chart (for each observer); - several cases will be discussed, a good opportunity for each pupil to reflect
on his/her own situation (matching possibilities with aspirations).