(Frankie) #1

  1. Solve the following situation: you are a counsellor and your client overwhelms you
    with attention. By using the formula I... explain in a polite but firm tone that you wish to
    maintain a professional relationship. Insist on:

    • clarifying the situation, without criticism of someone else’s behaviour;

    • presenting in a non-diminishing light the consequences for himself/herself;

    • describing feelings in a positive manner;

    • stating one’s own aims and needs;

    • changing the perspective: approaching the situation from the point of view of
      the counsellor.

Proposed roles: counsellor, client, observers.

Method evaluation


  • ensures additional information to the one obtained by initial assessment and
    allows problem identification ;

  • presupposes a higher degree of involvement on the part of people targeted by
    practicing roles useful in social and professional life; in case of in training it
    allows the simulation of situations which subjects will confront on the job;

  • contributes to changes in negative behaviours and developing new useful
    behaviours, necessary to fulfil future professional roles or responsibilities;

  • it is a means of developing spontaneity, initiative, creativity, responsibility,
    capacity to face conflicts, and contributes to shaping moral qualities such as:
    patience, perseverance, self-control, respect for the others;

  • favours the practice of problem solving, situations that require experimenting
    alternative strategies or adopting optimal career-related decisions.

At the same time, using role-play within group contributes to:

  • improving inter-human relationships, facilitate socialization and reciprocal
    adaptation of group members;

  • developing cooperation and group cohesion;

  • stimulating, encouraging the participation of timid clients;

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