(Frankie) #1

  • active participation in discussions, learning group behaviour of identifying
    phenomena specific to the group dynamics;

  • proposing solutions to overcome difficulties or conflicts within the group.


  • it may encourage ostentatious attitudes, “show” to the detriment of

  • some participants can be hesitant, inhibited, fearful of exposure, ridicule,
    being addressed by others;

  • rigid roles or severity of moderator may block the spontaneity on the part of
    the actors;

  • it requires much time to prepare and carry out;

  • lack of explanations in the beginning and inadequacy of the topic as regards
    the age and concerns of participants can cause confusion, disorganization,
    and disappointment.


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Feltham, C.; Dryden, V. (1993). Dictionary of counselling. London, Whurr Publishers.

Gugel, G. (2002). Metode de lucru în educa ţia adulţilor. Timişoara, Editura Waldpress.

Holdevici, I. (1998). Elemente de psihoterapie. Bucureşti, Editura All.

Peretti, A.; Legrand, J. A.; Boniface, J. (2001). Tehnici de comunicare. Iaşi, Editura

Sollazi, R. (1997). Apprendre a s’orienter. Paris, Editions E.A.P.

Şchiopu, U. (1997). Dicţionar de psihologie. Bucureşti, Editura Babel.

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