(Frankie) #1

was being used at the time in the initial vocational training of pupils, within the
constructivist approach, investigation-based learning, problem solving.

Theoretical background

The personal project is a long-term method whose effects are noticeable, measurable, and
appreciable not only in the individual existential schema, but also by the complexity of
the external resources employed and the durability of the changes occurred. The personal
project involves forecast and application of an articulated and targeted set of
interventions, based on a philosophy capitalizing on the unlimited capacity for success
and the positive meaning of change.

The project designates both the essence of a beginning (idea, draft), and the process that
gives it continuity and transforms it into reality. When the product is yielded, the nature
of the procedure changes retrospectively from “project” to “action plan” or “applied
strategy”. Many times, the end result of the personal project does not remain constant, but
it undergoes changes in shape, magnitude, depth, approach. These parameters are up to
the human subject involved, who must seize the need and/or possibility of adjusting the
personal project to the specific factors of the life situation.

Counsellors are in the privileged position of preparing the clients’ favourable mental
setting for personal projects, and of contributing to the resource activation and rally.
Everyone has a style of understanding, reacting to, and integrating their own life
situations. Based on the previous experiences and expectations, it is possible to attach
unique value to moments and capitalize on their growth potential. As for the clients
unaware that inaction is also a statement of position, the counsellor helps them explore
valid options and chances of success. For those with a clear image of the end result, the
counsellor offers means of “reaching to the destination”. With clients exclusively
interested in method, the counsellor works on clarifying perspective and evaluating
consequences. What is essential is action, focused and trusting attempt, assisted efforts,
and making experiences worthy.

Compiling a personal project is the equivalent of signing a contract with one’s self, by
which the subject dedicates oneself to achieving the stated purposes. By this reasoning,
Feller (1984) developed the concept of “job-search agreement” in order to help people in
search of vacant positions but who after a while feel exhausted for a variety of motives.
According to the agreement, clients have to answer “truly” all statements in the contract,
and then behave accordingly. They end up thus owing to themselves to internalise those
values (e.g. self-confidence, restricting expenses, promoting one’s abilities, investing in
physical and mental health, positive thinking, feelings and behaviours), which helped in
the long run to optimise the subjects’ market conduct and increase their chances of

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