(Frankie) #1
Target population

The information offered through occupational profiles are suitable for all categories of
beneficiaries from information, counselling and guidance services: pupils, graduates of
any education and training cycles, adults (in various situations on the labour market).

Examples, case studies, exercises

Below, a model of occupational profile compiled in accordance with the methodology
described above:


Profession code in The Classification of Occupations in Romania (COR): 241208


The profession is part of group 2412 – Specialists in staff and staff training. Counsellors
offer administrative services related to staff policy, recruiting or professional training, job
analysis, and vocational guidance. They draw up vocational information materials and
give consultations to people interested in employment, career choice, complementary
instruction or training.

Description of the profession. Content of work
Counsellors offer information to the unemployed and people who address the
employment agencies on the contents and requirements of occupations, trades and
professions, obligations and responsibilities of employees, tools and instruments used in
activity, and training requirements. They help people in the process of self-knowledge
(self-assessment) and in making adequate career decisions. Counsellors help people to
become aware of strengths and weaknesses of their personality with a view to making a
full use of the favourable elements. At the same time they teach people how to present
themselves and address prospective employers, and agree together on the steps to be
taken in choosing an occupation, trade or profession, for training or employment, and

* Occupational Profile compiled by The Working Group for Career Information and Counselling Project.
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