(Frankie) #1



  • healthy body, normal general

  • resistance to fatigue

  • anatomic and functional integrity of
    the speech organs

  • normal hearing acuity


  • superior intellectual capacity, characterized by
    fine analyses and syntheses, thought flexibility
    and creativity

  • expressive and coherent language

  • good attention focus and sense of observation

  • good emotional balance and self-control

  • people skills

  • assessment and decision-making skills

  • personality: SRE – Social, Realistic,
    Enterprising (Holland classification)

  • speaking

  • listening

  • normal visual acuity

  • hands use

  • fingers use

  • manipulating psychological testing instruments
    and apparatus


Level 1
(very poor)

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5
(very high)
General learning aptitudes *
Communication aptitudes *
Calculus^ ^
Spatial perception^ ^
Shape perception 
Working with documents (rapid
check of numbers and words)

Hand-eye coordination 
Digital skill 
Manual skill 

  • significant for the occupation

Transferable skills

  • using testing instruments and equipment;

  • giving advice;

  • following verbal and/or written instructions;

  • research and investigation;

  • rendering and transmitting information;

  • elaborating and interpreting;

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