(Frankie) #1

Education Fair

Centre for Psycho-pedagogical Assistance, Bucharest


The notion of fair is not new. However, it has always been an opportunity for exchanging
information, opinions, for marketing, commerce and sharing successful practices.

What is usually associated with the “fair”? More often than not, there are on display cars,
book, pottery products, electronics items, animals, consumption goods, sports and leisure
equipment, tourism services, education and training opportunities, business propositions.

Regarding the service offer of the career-related information, counselling and guidance
agents, The Education fair represents a means of communicating with clients and of
informing them (pupils, students, teachers, parents, educational and training providers),
an opportunity for self-evaluation on the part of beneficiaries, for career planning and
development by investigating the education market. An education fair is at the same time
a means to find news, research, interact, and especially prove an efficient information
management, since it not only offers pupils, university students, and adults information,
but also helps them make decisions for career development.

If until recently an education fair was an option, in the sense that only those schools and
universities that were more dynamic and motivated used to organize / participate in one, it
has currently become an essential issue of educational marketing, an efficient means of
immediate impact, making visible the offer of educational institutions and attracting new
pupils and students, all the more important since the younger generations dwindle.

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