(Frankie) #1

Before getting to the magnitude, level of organization and importance it enjoys today in
the career field, education fairs used to have certain characteristics:

  • focus on specific sections: some target group, some subject matters;

  • static, unidirectional, similar to traditional educational methods;

  • information was passively received without participants’ involvement;

  • it used to be thought that participants had only a few choices to make;

  • rigidity and tendency to routine.

In Romania there is no great tradition for education fairs and they were not valued until
recently as an instrument to inform young people on educational alternatives, and
academic and professional pathways. In recent years, however, education fairs have been
taken up as a modern means of educational marketing.

Currently, education fairs have grown increasingly “sophisticated”, they are better
outlined, especially as regards fitting in with the European educational policies in
guidance and counselling, and development of complex educational marketing strategies
that involve the active involvement of the participants.

It is estimated that every five years information changes completely (in certain fields).
Were this tendency to continue, pupils should benefit from new information almost
permanently, at least through electronic channels. This means that much of what they will
have learnt this year might be “outdated” by the next (Mills, 2002). In this context, aside
from information and efficient learning management, specialization of professions,
transferable skills and attitudes, it is necessary to redefine educational fairs and capitalize
on their potential in counselling.

Theoretical background

What is an education fair?

  • The most important educational marketing strategy in order to make known
    to the public the offer of educational and vocational training institutions.

  • Educational event reuniting numerous resources in order to facilitate the best
    career-related decisions.

  • Method by which multiple opportunities are released for professional training
    to meet the existing interests and resources.

  • Appropriate moment for education and training institutions to share their
    experience and ideas with the participants, and to get to know useful people
    in conferences, workshops or presentations.

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