(Frankie) #1

Education fairs are an important opportunity for practicing successful information
management, corroborated with social and emotional abilities, communication skills,
specialized knowledge and qualities necessary to succeed.

Developing your career is like climbing a mountain. At the base there is very clear
information on education and work, on roles and the self, according to the structural
career theory (Law, 2000). The author identifies 7 important elements in career guidance
and counselling: setting objectives, creating a friendly learning environment, collecting
and conveying information, identifying needs, summing up progress, clarifying one’s
plans for the future (Law and Bedford, 2000). There are aspects that can be extended over
the “procedure” used in organizing an education fair: the quality of stands and activities,
climate, the relationship between exhibitor and participants, preparation and motivation,
assessment means, etc.

Method presentation

How to organize and education fair?

  • Organizers compile the fair programme together with the organizing partners
    some 5-6 months in advance, agree upon the logo of the event, print posters,
    leaflets or other attractive advertisement elements (T-shirts, mugs, pens, caps,
    postcards, backpacks, business cards, bookmarks, key chains, etc.).

  • Organizers contact the exhibitors and communicate the programme, the
    conditions of participation (through the media, Internet), send the registration
    form, data on the size of the stand and the participation costs. The catalogue
    is then compiled (e.g. the University of Bucharest at the Education fair of
    May 2005 advertised the exhibitors in the culture and entertainment free
    magazine “7 Evenings”), a CD-ROM may be burnt with the list of the
    exhibitors accompanied by a brief presentation of each.

  • Exhibitors arrange the stands (originality is important in the presentation of
    the most relevant information, special presentations, educational materials
    and products).

  • Exhibitors inquire whether other promotional facilities at the event are
    available, such as posting promotional materials at the entrance.

  • Schools, high schools, universities, other institutions (printing houses,
    producers of educational materials, school and office stationery, uniforms
    manufacturers, tourist agencies, etc.) present their offer (with the support of
    teachers, pupils, parents, management, volunteers).

  • Media representatives, leading persons in education, the public takes part in a
    press conference to officially open the education fair.

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