(Frankie) #1

  • Organizers and exhibitors offer special programmes with free entrance or for
    a charge: conferences, workshops on career-related topics, lectures,
    suggestions for target groups, round tables, “live” career counselling service
    by meetings with specialists, personalized programmes, book launch, guests
    and successful experiences, seminars, contests with prizes (e.g. spending the
    day with the management of a high school, a basket of books or stationery, a
    training course offered by specialized institutions: communication and
    leadership, career-related decision-making, personal marketing, etc.),
    cocktails, the top of stands, etc.

  • Exhibitors’ aim is to attract visitors to their stand, by initiating conversation
    on the service offered. Their methods must be varied and original: e.g.
    offering gifts with the school logo and mascot, organizational culture
    elements, PowerPoint presentations, up to serving candy, making hairdos or
    invitation to a glass of soda or a piece of cake baked by the students.

  • Exhibitors visit the fair before opening to verify the functioning of
    equipment, visit neighbouring stands and see the competition, identify the
    type of visitors. It must not be overlooked that the main objective of taking
    part in the fair is meeting as many potential clients / future pupils or students.
    As a quantitative indicator, it is agreed upon a number of persons to talk to in
    the first part of the day. As a qualitative indicator, one may consider the
    written visitors’ opinions of the stand in question. Contact data of these
    visitors are written down in the book of the event, by permission, which is
    important for follow-up.

  • Sponsorship is sought for with a view to organizing similar future actions.

  • Those in charge of assessment hand out questionnaires, organize focus
    groups, synthesise results, communicate the statistical data of the fair, and
    make further studies.

  • Organizers and volunteers compile and publish a bulletin of the fair or the
    journal of the event.

9 directions in the organization of an education fair, similar to the ones found in
learning and counselling, and that influence the choices of the main actors present at the
fair (Stoll; Fink, 1996):

  • common and clear objective – “we know where we want to get”;

  • responsibility for success – “we have to win”;

  • team spirit – “we will make it together”;

  • lifelong learning – “we all learn always”;

  • risks – “what we learn is new”;

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