(Frankie) #1

  • support – “we can always use some help”;

  • mutual respect – “each of us is important”;

  • openness – “we welcome differences”;

  • celebration, gaiety and fun – “we are valuable and we are having fun

In pre-university counselling in Romania, the county-based Psycho-Pedagogical
Assistance Centres are in charge of organizing and/or taking part in education fairs, in
collaboration with the School Inspectorates, local communities, NGOs and others. In
higher education, the Centres for Information and Guidance are involved in attaining this

Public and private institutions are welcome, according to the target audience.

What are the success indicators of education fairs?

The statistics of a fair is performed through methods of quantitative and qualitative
research: questionnaire, focus group, interview, observation, document analysis. Items
such as the following are investigated:

  • Number of exhibitors

  • Number of visitors

  • Visitors’ profile

  • Presence of the media

  • Sponsors

  • Honorary guests

  • Degree of exhibitor / visitor satisfaction through:
     organizing the fair so as to satisfy the participants’ objectives and
     participation of the target population in a comfortable environment,
    and an atmosphere of security and study,
     supporting (self)assessment, value clarification, decision making
    regarding school and career development options,
     gathering statistical data on the fair (e.g. the International Fair
    “Education 2005”: “73% of the exhibitors appreciated the quality of
    the visitors as good and excellent, 78% of the exhibitors consider
    that most expectations have been fulfilled, 85% characterize the fair
    as important, well organized, excellently advertised, 87% state they
    will come back for the next edition” );

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