(Frankie) #1

How education fairs appear in the media? (excerpts from the written press)

  • “The education fair has been a constant present in the Romanian city of
    Cluj-Napoca in recent years. Wednesday, 9 April 2003 ... is the debut of the
    education fair “University at home”. The fair will be held in the town of Turda so
    that high school pupils in senior years be acquainted with the educational offer of
    the Cluj universities and receive information regarding the admission in faculties
    right from their representatives” (Source:

  • “Time for a major option. The Education Fair "Career 2001” comes to the aid
    of secondary school pupils. The Theoretical High School "Gh. Asachi" has been
    filled in the past few days with advertising posters, computers, television sets,
    high school pupils, teachers, secondary school pupils. Organized by the School
    Inspectorate, the Psycho-Pedagogical Assistance Centre, and the Teacher
    Training Authority. The fair aims to orient the 8 th graders. The educational fair
    has several stages. In the first stage, class masters discussed vocational guidance
    issues with the pupils, then the Psycho-pedagogical Assistance Centre handed out
    same pupils a questionnaire on vocational guidance. The results of the
    questionnaire have shown that almost half of them have not decided yet on the
    school they want to go to” (Source: Psycho-pedagogical Assistance Centre,
    Gala ţi).

  • “The education fair at the National Children’s Palace: cultural and educational
    activities, presentation stands, results and good practice of projects, exchanges,
    workshops, symposia, book events, vocational competitions. For a week, between
    10 a.m. and 6 p.m., pupils and parents can find out everything on the places in
    the 9th grade, specializations, extracurricular activities offered by Bucharest high
    schools, summer camps, etc. ... around 150 stands have been set up, where 105
    high schools, 18 graduate schools, the National Agency of School Camps and
    Tourism, etc. will be presenting their offers" (Source:

  • “The fifth edition of the fair, 7-9 May 2004, has managed to draw almost 32000
    visitors interested in the educational offer of the University of Bucharest, to
    which the following have contributed: 29 publishing houses, cultural institutes,
    media partnerships, the Days of Open Gates at the University”; Between 3-6
    May 19 faculties, colleges and departments were present in debates on
    volunteering, workshops, presentation of new professional opportunities for
    students, rock, classical, folk concerts, etc., educational offer of the University of
    Bucharest for the academic year 2005-2006” (Source:

  • “The Career Arenas is the first career fair for young professionals organized in a
    private partnership, aiming to professionalise and increase the relevance of these
    type of event, currently organized exclusively by NGOs or employment agencies.
    With the slogan “More than just a job. A CAREER!”, the event reunites 45 big
    and medium enterprises and over 3000 young professionals, thus addressing the

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