(Frankie) #1

  1. Developing personal marketing aptitudes: it is an essential stage, often granting
    success in the interview; it requires a personal development plan, a personal marketing
    policy (valuing one’s own qualities, stressing on those aptitudes / abilities and
    competences that are important with respect to the vacant position). The art of
    highlighting one’s strengths must be guided by a carefully designed strategy.

In essence, in the job search process, personal marketing is the art of building one’s own
image and promotion strategy, based on the principle that “it is the ad that sells the
product”, on condition that inside the “package” should be those qualities promoted. The
real competences of a person remain the basis of the “transaction” represented by
employment; a negotiation in which candidates offer their time, knowledge and
competences in exchange for a salary.

  1. Drawing up a plan to find a job involves:

    • identifying the vacant jobs corresponding to one’s studies, experience,
      aptitudes, competences and professional interests / expectations);

    • identifying professional training needs and taking part in training
      programmes with a view to adapting one’s competences to the requirements
      of the desired position;

    • preparing for the interview (discussing the possibility of changing certain
      requirements of the position, that the client might not meet, or creating a new
      position if the vacancy has already been filled);

    • drawing up a back-up plan in case the initial plan should fail to yield the
      desired result.

  2. Counselling with a view to keeping the job. In order to obtain or keep a job it is
    important that one should be familiar with and follow certain norms of professional
    ethics. These involve:

    • knowing and carrying out one’s tasks and obligations;

    • knowing and following internal regulations;

    • showing a positive attitude;

    • respecting one’s colleagues and supervisors;

    • respecting the work hours;

    • taking on responsibilities;

    • dressing appropriately, etc.

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