(Frankie) #1

The information you have provided will be used by the counsellor in order to
support you in identifying and obtaining employment. It is strictly confidential and
shall not be revealed to a third party without your consent.

Declaration: I hereby declare that the information provided in this form is accurate. I also
declare that I have read the information included in the Participant’s guide and I pledge
myself to follow the terms therein.

Signature: .................................................. Date: .................................

Registration date: .................. (to be filled out by the counsellor)

Method evaluation


  • clients actively search for a job under the direct guidance and supervision of
    the counsellor;

  • clients feel that they belong to a group (the support group) with the same
    interest, whose members support each other with a view to attaining a
    common goal;

  • motivational resources are encouraged in each group member;

  • clients may solve problems as they occur by simultaneous training courses;

  • group job search techniques are more efficient than the individual sessions
    (Bolles, 2005 in “What Color is Your Parachute? shows that the success rate
    of these techniques is 84%, compared to 15% with individual application of
    the same techniques);

  • clients have the opportunity of creating a contact network;

  • clients can exchange experience, ideas, information, values with the group

  • clients become more optimistic regarding the opportunity for change, and
    personal and professional success.

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