(Frankie) #1

  • short trainings delivered by the very speakers in plenary sessions or by other
    authors, before or after the event;

  • costs (fees, transportation and accommodation expenses);

  • printed materials and facilities offered;

  • social programme;

  • modular schedule and workshops, which allows participants to make up a
    sequential attendance path, function of their interests.

Plenary sessions

According to the duration of the congress or conference (1-3 days), 2-4 speeches by
prestigious and skilled speakers in the plenary sessions may be scheduled. These
interventions are recommended to last between 30-45 minutes to one hour, to be original
and present viewpoints and scientific hypotheses that stimulate further discussions and

Plenary sessions are moderated by the President of the organizing committee or
alternatively by other official persons or prestigious scientist.

It is wise to have a back-up in case one speaker can no longer attend (for health problems,
transportation difficulties, family events, etc.).

Panel discussions

An interesting way to exchange information and ideas – in plenary sessions – are panel
discussions on a certain topic, coordinated by a moderator, with participants from various
countries or institutions with specialists who have related interests, etc.


The topic and content of the scientific papers presented therein, as well as the emergent
discussions actually represent the essence of the respective professional event. On the
other hand, the topics should be generous enough to allow the inclusion of as many
categories of scientific presentations submitted as possible.

Workshops focusing on the practical aspects of counselling are most successful and

The topic of the workshop must be announced long in advance the congress or conference
in order to allow potential participants time to prepare the presentations drawn from their
professional experience.

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