(Frankie) #1

that last more than 2 days. Some organizers include in the registration fee (when possible)
all the costs for the social programme, thus greatly simplifying things.

For the companions of the guests or participants an additional social programme may be
provided, synchronized with that of the participants.

Publishing scientific papers

Printing or copying on a CD the texts of the scientific presentations – from plenary
sessions or workshops – before the event and distributing them to the participants, free or
for a charge, is the desired solution. In reality, either because the participants fail to
comply with the deadline for paper submission, or for financial and technical reasons, this
is rarely possible. More often than not, there will be a volume of abstracts (distributed in
the beginning) or a volume with the presentations from plenary sessions and abstracts of
the workshops (distributed by mail after the event).

Posting the presentations on the website of the event is an alternative when there are
financial restrictions; in certain situations the author’s permission must be obtained for
the electronic publication of the scientific paper.

Making recourse to schools with service or technical profile in order to obtain more
advantageous prices for the printing is a solution not to be overlooked, should the budget
be insufficient.

Event assessment

It is customary that at the end of a congress, conference or seminar is an assessment by
questionnaire to the participants (simple and with an answering scale: poor, good,
excellent). The data thus obtained may offer the organizing committee feedback on
aspects such as: general quality of the organizations, value of the speakers’ presentations
in the plenary sessions, general scientific level of the interventions, social programme,
exhibition, quality of the translation, publications.

Assessment questionnaires (translated in the official languages of the event) may be
included in the participants’ folders or distributed at the appropriate moment, to be
gathered right after completion.


The organization of a congress, conference, seminar, workshop presupposes an enormous
amount of telephone, fax, e-mail, and Internet communication.

In case of professional events with participants from several countries, is recommendable
that the organizers speak the official languages of the congress or conference.

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