(Frankie) #1

The main categories of partners that the organizers have exchanges with are:

  • participants: individual persons, members of professional organizations,
    officials (to announce them the event, topic, objectives and date, registration
    conditions, call for papers);

  • speakers in plenary sessions: local or foreign (announcement of the event,
    topic, objectives and date, international / national professional relevance,
    invitation to make a scientific presentation in one of the plenary sessions,
    facilities that the organizers can put at their disposal);

  • workshop moderators (announcement of the event, topic, objectives and
    date, international / national professional relevance, invitation to moderate a
    certain workshop, announcement of facilities that the organizers can put at
    their disposal);

  • official guests, usually, at the opening and closure of the event
    (announcement of the event, topic, objectives and date, international /
    national professional relevance, invitation to take part in the opening session
    and greet the participants);

  • sponsors (announcement of the event, topic, objectives and date,
    international / national professional relevance, estimate of the benefits from
    advertisement and an application for financial aid);

  • exhibitors (announcement of the event, topic, objectives and date,
    international / national professional relevance, invitation to exhibit their
    products throughout the event, information regarding the costs, requests for
    promotional materials to be distributed to the participants);

  • interpreters (announcement of the event, topic, objectives and date,
    international / national professional relevance, invitation to render their
    services for the duration of the event, possible applications for free services
    or sponsorships);

  • technical service provider: sound equipment, copy machines, computers,
    photo, audio and video recording devices (announcement of the event, topic,
    objectives and date, international / national professional relevance, invitation
    to render their services for the duration of the event, possibly a request for
    free services or sponsorships);

  • accommodation and food service providers (announcement of the event,
    topic, objectives and date, international / national professional relevance,
    invitation to render their services, possible requests for discount, free services
    or sponsorships; certain written conventions may be signed with hotels and
    restaurants in this respect, beforehand),

  • social / cultural service providers (announcement of the event, topic,
    objectives and date, international / national professional relevance, invitation

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