(Frankie) #1

The individual profile of occupational interests thus obtained is confronted with the
Glossary of Interest Profiles – GIP to facilitate the transposition of the results in terms
compatible with those from the Classification of Occupations (in Canada).

COII requires forced answers despite the fact that, as the authors admit, some people will
encounter difficulties in fulfilling this requirement (e.g. people who dislike almost
everything or those who are exact, scrupulous or hesitant). On the other hand this type of
forced choice is what people are faced with in their everyday lives and which is the most
informative regarding their preference.

Scoring procedures – for COII – are described in The Administration, Scoring and
Interpretation Manual. They broadly target the administration conditions, the scoring and
the interpretation.

Procedures for the interpretation of the score significance involves integrating various
data sources that can be meaningful in the act of counselling and outlining a reliable
occupational profile:

  • the behaviour of the client while delivering the answers;

  • answer patterns (characteristic of the forced answers to the items of COII);

  • verbal comments of the client regarding the inventory (understanding the
    instructions without any difficulty);

  • the results obtained in the inventory and

  • additional data obtained from other sources (CV, letter of intention,

Target population

The instrument aims to be an inventory of the occupational preferences / interests of the
students in high school, college students and adults (irrespective of the gender).

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